Insurance Certificate Tracking services | Image of man signing a contract

Insurance Certificate Compliance

Insurance Certificate Compliance

Tracking & Management Service

Hugh Wood United States’ Insurance Certificate Tracking & Management service allows us to effectively and efficiently track the vital insurance information of third parties who do business with our clients.

Clients who sign up for this service can avoid potentially costly lapses and/or deficiencies in coverage by the parties with whom they do business. As their risk managers, Hugh Wood United States will verify on an ongoing basis that our clients’ (sub)contractors, tenants, vendors, consultants, etc. maintain sufficient levels of insurance at all times with financially stable insurance companies.

Management of Insurance Certificates

Dealing with large amounts of third-party insurance certificates can be difficult and consume a lot of valuable time and resources – rather than designate their employees to oversee this process, many of our clients choose to allow us to manage it for them in a fully transparent, highly organized, and extremely accurate manner.

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Tracking & Management Service

The following services are included:

Depending on your needs, this service is available for a reasonable fee based on the number of certificates to be tracked and managed.

  • Tracking certificates – for multiple projects/divisions of the client;
  • Establishing a baseline of minimum insurance requirements – based on the type of work involved, contract terms, project size, etc.;
  • Storage of copies of certificates in a secure online cloud – with easy access anywhere, 24/7, to check on the compliance status of particular third parties as needed;
  • Review of all new incoming certificates – to ensure compliance with established minimum insurance requirements;
  • Following up with non-compliant third parties – via email, fax, mail, or phone until any deficiencies are addressed to our satisfaction;
  • Provision notifications – of any A.M. Best Financial or Credit Rating downgrades affecting insurance held by any relevant third parties;
  • Review of custom policy endorsements – to ensure coverage is equivalent to any required ISO forms;
  • We will notify your accounts payable staff of non-compliant third parties  – to avoid making any payments to such parties until they become compliant with established insurance requirements;
  • Customization of follow-up procedures and correspondence – needed to send out to third parties;
  • Review of recurring reports of non-compliant third parties – we do this with you on a weekly, monthly, or other regular basis.

For more information about our services