Ports & Terminal Insurance - Image of Port Terminal

Ports & Terminals


Ports & Terminals

Hugh Wood United States services Port and Terminal clients, including private and public facilities, general cargo handling facilities, vehicle handling facilities, oil and gas terminals and scrap yards running Ports and Terminals.

All Port Authorities have their own distinctive issues and, therefore, their own needs. Our knowledge of this sector enables us to design and put together programs with flexible and comprehensive coverage.

The basic ports & terminals insurance coverage includes:

  • all risks for damage to port property and equipment
  • all risks to port craft, Business Interruption
  • third party and legal liability to third parties in respect of bodily injury, death and property damage arising out of the assureds’ activities
  • errors and omissions
  • fines and penalties
  • contractual liability
  • removal of wreck

Our experience in the Ports and Terminals sector allows us to assess coverages and advise on the policies required. In addition, our relationships and access to various underwriters allow us to assist your business with the placement of such policies. 

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Associated coverages include:

  • Hull & Machinery (H&M)
  • Protection & Indemnity (P&I)
  • Marine General Liability
  • Associated Marine Liabilities

Non-marine related liabilities

We also cover non-marine liability coverages such as:

  • Real Property
  • Inland Marine/ Contractors Equipment
  • Crime,
  • Auto E&O
  • D&O
  • Professional Liability
  • Workers Comp
  • USL&H
  • Bumbershoot-Excess Marine and non-marine limits are available
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